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- School of Social Sciences
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- Course outlines
Course outlines
The School of Social Sciences offers a suite of innovative courses in disciplines such as politics and international relations, social sciences, social work, development studies and sociology.

If you are majoring in another discipline, our courses can be taken for general education or a free elective.
The following course outlines will give you a sense of the key questions, issues and debates tackled in each course, along with their aims, learning outcomes and assessments. These course outlines are indicative of course content, and please note that the official course outlines are available through Moodle to enrolled students.
- Term 1
- Term 2
- Term 3
, opens in a new windowARTS1750 Introduction to Global Development
ARTS1810 Foundations of Politics and International Relations
ARTS1870 Rethinking the Social
ARTS2755 Inclusive Development: Gender Intersectionality
ARTS2816 Who Gets What? The Global Politics of Inequality
ARTS2821 Colonialism: Resistance, Justice and Transition
ARTS2870 Citizens, Action and Dissent
ARTS2876 Understanding the Self
ARTS3750 Development, Community and Environment
ARTS3783 Great, Emerging and Declining Powers in the Contemporary World
ARTS3819 Emerging Challenges in International Security
ARTS3850 Security in Asia: Politics Meets Economics
ARTS3885 Violence, Resistance, Change
ARTS4266 Puzzles, Planning, and Presentation for Honours in the Social Sciences
ARTS4268 Methodologies in the Social Sciences: Questions and Quandaries
COMD5000 NGOs, Civil Society and Development
COMD5001 International Development Policy
POLS5120 Global Politics: The Globalisation of World Politics
POLS5130 International Peace and Security
PPEC1001 Introduction to Politics, Philosophy and Economics
SOCF5103 Research Issues in Counselling Social Work
SOCF5108 Therapeutic Contexts and Relationships
SOCF5110 Professional Practice Research Project
SOCW1001 Introduction to Social Work
SOCW2003 Introduction to Social Work Counselling and Assessment
SOCW2008 Culture, Identity and Diversity
SOCW2100 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and Social Work
SOCW3012 Social Work Practice Level 3 Placement A
, opens in a new window, opens in a new windowSOCW4003 Advanced Social Work Practice Methods
SOCW4011 Evidence and Practice Based Research
SOCW4012 Social Work in Mental Health and Trauma
SOSS2001 Qualitative Social Research
SOSS3002 Social Science Project
ARTS1846 Politics, Peace and Prosperity
ARTS2819 Globalisation and Governance
ARTS2822 Decolonising Research Methods
ARTS2845 Sex, Human Rights & Justice
ARTS2852 Qualitative Research for PSP
ARTS2877 Technologies, Culture, Society
ARTS3755 Development in Practice: Project Design and Evaluation
ARTS3756 Current Debates in Global Development
ARTS3810 POLS & IR: Theory and Practice
ARTS3818 Global Environmental Politics (NEW)
ARTS3820 How to start a revolution
ARTS3822 The Art of Political Science
ARTS3872 Media, Culture and Power
ARTS3886 Understanding Crisis, opens in a new window
COMD5004 Climate Change Adaptation and Development
POLS5100 International Relations Internship
POLS5121 International Organisations
POLS5125 Politics of International Law
POLS5127 China & Asia-Pacific Security
SOCF5109 Family Inclusive Practice
SOCF5110 Professional Practice Research Project
SOCW1001 Introduction to Social Work
SOCW3009 Ethics and Reflective Practice
SOCW3013 Social Work Level 3 Placement B
SOCW4013 Child and Family Practice
SOCW4017 Social Work Placement Level 4 A
SOCW7851 Community Development
SOSS2002 Quantitative Social Research
SOSS3006 Social Sciences in the Workplace
SOSS3007 Evidence for Policy Making
SRAP5004 Policy, Accountability and Governance
- Term 1
- Term 2
- Term 3
, opens in a new windowARTS1750 Introduction to Global Development
ARTS1870 Rethinking the Social
ARTS2755 Inclusive Development: Gender Intersectionality, opens in a new window
ARTS2816 Who Gets What? The Global Politics of Inequality, opens in a new window
ARTS2821 Colonialism: Resistance, Justice and Transition, opens in a new window
ARTS2870 Citizens, Action and Dissent, opens in a new window
ARTS3750 Development, Community and Environment, opens in a new window
ARTS3783 Great, Emerging and Declining Powers in the Contemporary World, opens in a new window
ARTS3819 Emerging Challenges in International Security, opens in a new window
ARTS3850 Security in Asia: Politics Meets Economics, opens in a new window
ARTS3874 Culture and Human Rights
ARTS3885 Violence, Resistance, Change, opens in a new window
ARTS3991 Arts and Social Sciences Capstone, opens in a new window
ARTS4268 Methodologies in the Social Sciences: Questions and Quandaries
COMD5001 International Development Policy, opens in a new window
FADA6700 ADA Professional Placement, opens in a new window
POLS5100 International Relations Internship, opens in a new window
POLS5120 Global Politics: The Globalisation of World Politics, opens in a new window
POLS5129 The Foreign Policies of Great Powers
POLS5130 International Peace and Security, opens in a new window
PPEC1001 Introduction to Politics, Philosophy and Economics, opens in a new window
SOCF5103 Research Issues in Counselling Social Work , opens in a new window
SOCF5108 Therapeutic Contexts and Relationships, opens in a new window
SOCW1001 Introduction to Social Work, opens in a new window
SOCW2003 Introduction to Social Work Counselling and Assessment, opens in a new window
SOCW2008 Culture, Identity and Diversity, opens in a new window
SOCW2100 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and Social Work, opens in a new window
SOCW3012 Social Work Practice Level 3 Placement A
, opens in a new window, opens in a new windowSOCW4003 Advanced Social Work Practice Methods
SOCW4011 Evidence and Practice Based Research , opens in a new window
SOCW4012 Social Work in Mental Health and Trauma, opens in a new window
SOCW4017 Social Work Practice Level 4 Placement A
SOCW7857 Refugees and Forced Migration, opens in a new window
SOSS1000 Policy and Society, opens in a new window
SOSS2001 Qualitative Social Research, opens in a new window
SOSS3002 Social Science Project , opens in a new window
SRAP5001 Policy Analysis, opens in a new window
SRAP5101 Research Methods and Project Design, opens in a new window
ARTS1846 Politics, Peace and Prosperity
ARTS2754 Research for Impact in Global Development
ARTS2815 Politics and Security in the Indo-Pacific
ARTS2819 Globalisation and Governance
ARTS2845 Sex, Human Rights & Justice
ARTS2852 Qualitative Research for Political and Social Problems
ARTS2877 Technologies, Culture, Society
ARTS3755 Development in Practice: Project Design
ARTS3756 Current Debates in Global Development
ARTS3810 Politics & International Relations: Theory and Practice
ARTS3820 How to Start a Revolution: Activism, Social Movements and Political Change
ARTS3822 The Art of Political Science
ARTS3875 Decolonising Research Methods
ARTS4268 Methodologies in the Social Sciences: Questions and Quandaries
ARTS5201 Knowledges and Ethical Practices
COMD5001 International Development Policy
COMD5004 Climate Change Adaptation & Development
FADA6700 ADA Professional Placement
HUMS1010 Experiencing the Sydney Opera House
POLS5100 International Relations Internship
POLS5121 International Organisations and Global Politics
POLS5125 The Politics of International Law
POLS5131 Political Violence, Insurgency & Terrorism
SOCF5109 Family Inclusive Practice
SOCF5110 Professional Practice Research Project
SOCW1001 Introduction to Social Work
SOCW3009 Ethics and Reflective Practice
SOCW3013 Social Work Practice Level 3 Placement B
SOCW4013 Child and Family Welfare Practice
SOCW4017 Social Work Placement Level 4 Placement A
SOCW4018 Social Work Placement Level 4 Placement B
SOCW7851 Community Development
SOSS3001 Quantitative Social Research
SOSS3006 Social Sciences in the Workplace
SRAP5004 Policy, Accountability and Governance
SRAP5021 Policy, Advocacy and Activism in the Digital Age
ARTS1753 Culture, Experience and Change
ARTS1811 Comtemporary Issues in Government and Global Politics
ARTS2751 International Development
ARTS2752 Local Politics of Development
ARTS2813 International Security
ARTS2817 Diplomacy and Statecraft
ARTS2871 Power and Powerlessness
ARTS2876 Understanding the Self
ARTS3751 Global Development Capstone
ARTS3812 Manias, Panics and Crashes
ARTS3814 Australian Foreign Policy
ARTS3821 The Politics of Identity
ARTS3870 Social Perspectives, Critical Questions
ARTS3872 Media, Culture and Power
FADA6700 ADA Professional Development
POLS5100 International Relations Internship
POLS5102 Key Issues In Australian Foreign Policy
POLS5122 The International Political Economy
POLS5161 Developing Countries & International Relations
SOCF5102 Selected Practice Frameworks
SOCF5110 Professional Practice Research Project
SOCF5112 Complex Practice Issues
SOCW2006 Soc Work Pract:Community Work
SOCW2009 Social Work Counselling
SOCW3010 Organisational Practice
SOCW4015 Honours Research Thesis
SOCW4016 Social Work Honours Portfolio
SOCW4018 Social Work Placement Lvl 4 B
SOCW7852 Politics of International Aid
SOSS1001 Social Research and Society
SOSS3002 Social Science Project
SRAP5018 Power, politics and policy
SRAP5101 Research Methods and Design
- Summer
- Term 1
- Term 2
- Term 3
ARTS1750 - Introduction to Global Development, opens in a new window
ARTS1810 - Foundations of Politics and International Relations, opens in a new window
ARTS1870 - Rethinking the Social, opens in a new window
ARTS2755 - Global Development in Practice: Concepts and Practices for Inclusive Development, opens in a new window
ARTS2816 - Who Gets What? The Global Politics of Inequality, opens in a new window
ARTS2818 - Australian Politics, opens in a new window
ARTS2821 - Colonialism: Resistance, Justice, and Transition, opens in a new window
ARTS2876 - Understanding the Self, opens in a new window
ARTS3750 - Development, Community and Environment, opens in a new window
ARTS3783 - Great, Emerging and Declining Powers in the Contemporary World, opens in a new window
ARTS3819 - Emerging Challenges in International Security, opens in a new window
ARTS3875 - Decolonising Research Methods, opens in a new window
ARTS3885 - Trauma and Violence, opens in a new window
ARTS3991 - Arts and Social Sciences Capstone, opens in a new window
ARTS4266 - Puzzles, Planning, and Presentation for Honours in the Social Sciences, opens in a new window
ARTS4268 - Methodologies in the Social Sciences: Questions and Quandaries, opens in a new window
COMD5000 - NGOs, Civil Society, and Development, opens in a new window
COMD5001 - International Development Policy, opens in a new window
CRIM3022 - Public Health and Corrections, opens in a new window
POLS5100 - International Relations Internship, opens in a new window
POLS5120 - Global Politics: The Globalisation of World Politics, opens in a new window
POLS5129 - The Foreign Policies of the Great Powers, opens in a new window
POLS5130 - International Peace and Security, opens in a new window
PPEC1001 - Introduction to Politics, Philosophy and Economics, opens in a new window
SOCF5103 - Research Issues in Counselling Social Work, opens in a new window
SOCF5108 - Therapeutic Contexts and Relationships, opens in a new window
SOCF5110 - Professional Practice Research Project, opens in a new window
SOCW1001 - Introduction to Social Work, opens in a new window
SOCW2003 - Introduction to Social Work Counselling and Assessment, opens in a new window
SOCW2008 - Culture, Identity, and Diversity, opens in a new window
SOCW2100 - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and Social Work, opens in a new window
SOCW3009 - Ethics and Reflective Practice, opens in a new window
SOCW3012 - Social Work Practice Level 3 Placement A, opens in a new window
SOCW4003 - Advanced Social Work Practice Methods, opens in a new window
SOCW4011 - Evidence and Practice-Based Research, opens in a new window
SOCW4012 - Social Work Practice in Mental Health and Trauma, opens in a new window
SOCW7857 - Refugees and Forced Migration, opens in a new window
SOSS1000 - Policy and Society, opens in a new window
SOSS2001 - Qualitative Social Research, opens in a new window
SOSS3002 - Social Science Project, opens in a new window
SRAP5001 - Policy Analysis, opens in a new window
SRAP5101 - Research Methods and Project Design, opens in a new window
SRAP5103 - Research Report, opens in a new window
SRAP5107 - Research Project, opens in a new windowARTS1846 - Politics, Peace and Prosperity, opens in a new window
ARTS2754 - Development Research, opens in a new window
ARTS2815 - The Indo-Pacific, opens in a new window
ARTS2819 - Globalisation and Governance, opens in a new window
ARTS2845 - Sex, Human Rights & Justice, opens in a new window
ARTS2852 - Qualitative Research for PSP, opens in a new window
ARTS2870 - Citizens & Dissent, opens in a new window
ARTS2877 - Technologies, Culture, Society, opens in a new window
ARTS3755 - Project Design, opens in a new window
ARTS3756 - Debates in Global Development, opens in a new window
ARTS3810 - POLS & IR: Theory and Practice, opens in a new window
ARTS3820 - How to start a revolution
ARTS3822 - The Art of Political Science, opens in a new window
ARTS3874 - Culture and Human Rights, opens in a new window
ARTS3886 - Living Social Justice, opens in a new window
ARTS3991 - Arts and Social Sciences Capstone, opens in a new window
ARTS4268 - Methodologies in Soc Sci, opens in a new window
COMD5001 - Internat. Development Policy, opens in a new window
COMD5004 - Climate Change Adaptation & Development, opens in a new window
HUMS1010 - Experiencing the Sydney Opera House, opens in a new window
HUMS2000 - Arts Internship, opens in a new window
POLS5100 - IR Internship, opens in a new window
POLS5121 - International Organisations, opens in a new window
POLS5125 - Politics of International Law, opens in a new window
POLS5127 - China & Asia-Pacific Security, opens in a new window
SOCF5104 - Counselling Practice, opens in a new window
SOCF5109 - Family Inclusive Practice, opens in a new window
SOCF5110 - Prof Prac Research Project, opens in a new window
SOCW1001 - Introduction to Social Work, opens in a new window
SOCW3013 - Social Work Lvl 3 Placement B, opens in a new window
SOCW4013 - Child and Family Practice, opens in a new window
SOCW4017 - Social Work Placement Lvl 4 A, opens in a new window
SOCW7851 - Community Development, opens in a new window
SOSS1000 - Policy and Society, opens in a new window
SOSS3001 - Quantitative Social Research, opens in a new window
SOSS3006 - Soc Sci in the Workplace, opens in a new window
SRAP5004 - Accountability & Governance, opens in a new window
SRAP5021 - Policy & Digital Advocacy, opens in a new window
SRAP5107 - Research Project, opens in a new windowARTS1753 - Culture, Experience and Change
ARTS1811 - Contemporary Issues in Government and Global Politics
ARTS2751 - International Development
ARTS2813 - International Security
ARTS2817 - Diplomacy and Statecraft: Past, Present, Futures
ARTS2871 - Power and Powerlessness, opens in a new window
ARTS2874 - Culture and Emotion
ARTS3751 - Global Development: Theory, Practice and Reflexivity
ARTS3812 - Manias, Panics and Crashes: Global Political Economy in an Era of Crisis
ARTS3821 - The Politics of Identity in the 21st Century
ARTS3850 - Security in Asia: Politics Meets Economics
ARTS3814 - Australian Foreign Policy
ARTS3870 - Debates and Controversies in Sociology and Anthropology
ARTS3872 - Media, Culture and Power
ARTS3991 - Arts and Social Sciences Capstone, opens in a new window
HUMS2000 - Arts Internship
, opens in a new window COMD5002 - Development, Human Rights and Global Health
POLS5102 - Key Issues in Australian Foreign Policy
POLS5161 - Developing Countries and the International System
SOCF5102 - Selected Practice Frameworks
SOCW3006 - Socio-Legal Practice in Social Work Settings
SOCF5112 - Complex Practice Issues
SOCW1004 - Lifespan, Health and Resilience
SOCW2006 - Social Work Practice - Community Work
SOCW2009 - Social Work Counselling with Individuals, Families and Groups
SOCW3010 - Organisational Practice
SOCW4015 - Honours Research Thesis, opens in a new window
SOCW4016 - Social Work Honours Advanced Practice Portfolio, opens in a new window
SOCW7852 - Politics of International Aid
SOSS1001 - Social Research and Society
SOSS3002 - Social Science Project
SOSS3003 - Policy Analysis
SRAP5018 - Power, Politics and Policy
SRAP5101 - Research Methods and Project Design
SRAP5102 - Research in the Real World
SRAP5103 - Research Report
POLS5100 - International Relations Internship
POLS5122 - The International Political Economy -
- Summer
- Term 1
- Term 2
- Term 3
ARTS1750 - Introduction to Global Development, opens in a new window
ARTS1810 - Foundations of Politics and International Relations, opens in a new window
ARTS1870 - Rethinking the Social, opens in a new window
ARTS2755 - Global Development in Practice: Concepts and Practices for inclusive Development, opens in a new window
ARTS2816 - Who Gets What? The Global Politics of Inequality, opens in a new window
ARTS2818 - Australian Politics, opens in a new window
ARTS2821 - Colonialism: Resistance, Justice, and Transition, opens in a new window
ARTS2872 - Living and dying, opens in a new window
ARTS2876 - Understanding the Self, opens in a new window
ARTS3750 - Development, Community and Environment, opens in a new window
ARTS3758 - Global Change Internship, opens in a new window
ARTS3759 - Preparing for and Reflecting on International Internships, opens in a new window
ARTS3783 - Great, Emerging and Declining Powers in the Contemporary World, opens in a new window
ARTS3874 - Culture and Human Rights, opens in a new window
ARTS3875 - Decolonising Research Methods, opens in a new window
ARTS4266 - Puzzles, Planning, and Presentation for Honours in the Social Sciences, opens in a new window
ARTS4268 - Methodologies in the Social Sciences: Questions and Quandaries, opens in a new window
COMD5000 - NGOs, Civil Society and Development, opens in a new window
COMD5001 - International Development Policy, opens in a new window
CRIM1010 - Criminology: An Introduction, opens in a new window
CRIM2037 - Explaining Punishment
CRIM3022 - Public Health and Corrections, opens in a new window
HUMS2000 - Arts Internship, opens in a new window
POLS5100 - International Relations Internship, opens in a new window
POLS5120 - Global Politics: The Globalisation of World Politics, opens in a new window
POLS5129 - The Foreign Policies of the Great Powers, opens in a new window
PPEC1001 - Introduction to Politics, Philosophy and Economics, opens in a new window
SOCF5103 - Research Issues in Counselling Social Work, opens in a new window
SOCF5108 - Therapeutic Contexts and Relationships, opens in a new window
SOCF5110 - Professional Practice Research Project, opens in a new window
SOCW1001 - Introduction to Social Work, opens in a new window
SOCW2003 - Introduction to Social Work Counselling and Assessment, opens in a new window
SOCW2008 - Culture, Identity and Diversity, opens in a new window
SOCW2100 - Aboriginal People and Social Work, opens in a new window
SOCW3009 - Ethics and Reflective Practice, opens in a new window
SOCW3012 - Social Work Practice Level 3 Placement A, opens in a new window
SOCW4003 - Advanced Social Work Practice Methods, opens in a new window
SOCW4011 - Evidence and Practice Based Research, opens in a new window
SOCW4012 - Social Work Practice in Mental Health and Trauma, opens in a new window
SOCW7857 - Refugees and Forced Migration, opens in a new window
SOSS1000 - Policy and Society, opens in a new window
SOSS2001 - Qualitative Social Research, opens in a new window
SOSS3002 - Social Science Project, opens in a new window
SRAP5001 - Policy Analysis, opens in a new window
SRAP5021 - Policy, Advocacy and Activism in the Digital Age, opens in a new window
SRAP5101 - Research Methods and Project Design, opens in a new window
SRAP5103 - Research Report, opens in a new window
SRAP5106 - Academic Writing in the Social Sciences, opens in a new window
SRAP5107 - Research Project, opens in a new windowARTS1846 - Politics, Peace and Prosperity, opens in a new window
ARTS2754 - Research for Impact in Global Development, opens in a new window
ARTS2877 - Technologies, Culture, Society, opens in a new window
ARTS2870 - Citizens, Action and Dissent, opens in a new window
ARTS3755 - Development in Practice: Project Design, opens in a new window
ARTS3810 - Politics & International Relations: Theory and Practice, opens in a new window
ARTS3820 - How to start a revolution: activism, social movements and political change, opens in a new window
ARTS3822 - The Art of Political Science, opens in a new window
ARTS3883 - Personhood in Asia, opens in a new window
ARTS3885 - Trauma and Violence, opens in a new window
ARTS3886 - Living Social Justice: Experience and Practice, opens in a new window
ARTS4268 - Methodologies in the Social Sciences: Questions and Quandaries, opens in a new window
ARTS5201 - Knowledges and Ethical Practices, opens in a new window
COMD5001 - International Development Policy, opens in a new window
COMD5004 - Climate Change Adaptation & Development, opens in a new window
CRIM1011 - Introduction to Criminal Justice, opens in a new window
CRIM2031 - Indigenous Perspective in Criminal Justice, opens in a new window
CRIM2034 - Crime, Politics and the Media, opens in a new window
CRIM2038 - Young People and Juvenile Justice, opens in a new window
CRIM3000 - Criminology in Practice, opens in a new window
CRIM3019 - Restorative Justice, opens in a new window
HUMS2000 - Arts Internship, opens in a new window
POLS5100 - International Relations Internship, opens in a new window
POLS5121 - International Organisations and Global Politics, opens in a new window
POLS5127 - China and Asia-Pacific Security, opens in a new window
POLS5131 - Insurgency, Terrorism and Political Violence, opens in a new window
SOCF5104 - Counselling Practice A, opens in a new window
SOCF5109 - Family Inclusive Practice, opens in a new window
SOCF5110 - Professional Practice Research Project, opens in a new window
SOCW1001 - Introduction to Social Work, opens in a new window
SOCW3013 - Social Work Practice Level 3 Placement B, opens in a new window
SOCW4013 - Child and Family Welfare Practice, opens in a new window
SOCW4015 - Honours Research Thesis, opens in a new window
SOCW4016 - Social Work Honours Advanced Practice Portfolio, opens in a new window
SOCW7851 - Community Development, opens in a new window
SOSS1000 - Policy and Society, opens in a new window
SOSS3001 - Quantitative Social Research, opens in a new window
SOSS3006 - Social Sciences in the Workplace, opens in a new window
SRAP5103 - Research Report
SRAP5107 - Research Project, opens in a new windowARTS1753 - Culture, Experience and Change
ARTS1811 - Contemporary Issues in Government and Global Politics
ARTS2751 - International Development
ARTS2813 - International Security
ARTS2817 - Diplomacy and Statecraft: Past, Present, Futures
ARTS2820 - Justice
ARTS2871 - Power and Powerlessness
ARTS2874 - Culture and Emotion
ARTS3751 - Global Development: Theory, Practice and Reflexivity
ARTS3812 - Manias, Panics and Crashes: Global Political Economy in an Era of Crisis
ARTS3814 - Australian Foreign Policy
ARTS3821 - The Politics of Identity in the 21st Century
ARTS3870 - Debates and Controversies in Sociology and Anthropology
ARTS3872 - Media, Culture and Power
ARTS5206 - Research Specialisation, opens in a new window
CRIM1010 - Criminology: An Introduction
CRIM1011 - Introduction to Criminal Justice
CRIM2041 - Crime and Punishment in Historical Perspective
CRIM3025 - Criminology Work Integrated Learning Placement
COMD5002 - Development, Human Rights and Global Health
POLS5102 - Key Issues in Australian Foreign Policy
POLS5122 - The International Political Economy
POLS5161 - Developing Countries and the International System
SOCF5102 - Selected Practice Frameworks
SOCF5110 - Professional Practice Research Project
SOCF5112 - Complex Practice Issues
SOCW1004 - Lifespan, Health and Resilience
SOCW2006 - Social Work Practice- Community Work
SOCW2009 - Social Work Counselling with Individuals, Families and Groups
SOCW3006 - Socio-Legal Practice in Social Work Settings
SOCW3010 - Organisational Practice
SOCW4015 - Honours Research Thesis
SOCW4016 - Social Work Honours Advanced Practice Portfolio
SOCW4017 - Social Work Practice Level 4 Placement A
SOCW4018 - Social Work Practice Level 4 Placement B
SOCW7852 - Politics of International Aid
SOSS1001 - Social Research and Society
SOSS3002 - Social Science Project
SOSS3003 - Policy Analysis
SOSS3006 - Social Sciences in the Workplace
SRAP5018 - Power, Politics and Policy
SRAP5101 - Research Methods and Project Design
SRAP5102 - Research in the Real World
SRAP5103 - Research Report
SRAP5107 - Research Project -
- Term 1
- Term 2
- Term 3
ARTS1750 - Introduction to Development Studies, opens in a new window
ARTS1810 - Foundations of Politics and International Relations, opens in a new window
ARTS1870 - Rethinking the Social, opens in a new window
ARTS2752 - Local Politics of Development, opens in a new window
ARTS2755 - Development in Practice: Humanitarian Action, opens in a new window
ARTS2816 - Who Gets What? The Global Politics of Inequality, opens in a new window
ARTS2818 - Australian Politics, opens in a new window
ARTS2821 - Comparative Politics and Colonialism: Processes of Resistance, Justice and Transition, opens in a new window
ARTS2876 - Understanding the Self, opens in a new window
ARTS2877 - Technologies, Culture, Society, opens in a new window
ARTS3750 - Development, Community and Environment, opens in a new window
ARTS3783 - Great, Emerging and Declining Powers in the Contemporary World, opens in a new window
ARTS3819 - Emerging Challenges in International Security, opens in a new window
ARTS3875 - Decolonising Research Methods, opens in a new window
ARTS3883 - Personhood in Asia, opens in a new window
ARTS4266 - Puzzles, Planning, and Presentation for Honours in the Social Sciences, opens in a new window
ARTS4268 - Methodologies in the Social Sciences: Questions and Quandaries, opens in a new window
COMD5000 - NGOs, Civil Society and Development, opens in a new window
COMD5001 - International Development Policy, opens in a new window
CRIM1010 - Criminology: An Introduction, opens in a new window
CRIM2037 - Explaining Punishment, opens in a new window
CRIM3011 - Crime Prevention Policy, opens in a new window
CRIM3022 - Public Health and Corrections, opens in a new window
HUMS2000 - Arts Internship, opens in a new window
PPEC1001 - Introduction to Politics, Philosophy and Economics, opens in a new window
POLS5100 - International Relations Internship, opens in a new window
POLS5120 - Global Politics: The Globalisation of World Politics, opens in a new window
POLS5129 - The Foreign Policies of the Great Powers, opens in a new window
POLS5130 - International Peace and Security, opens in a new window
POLS5132 - Gender in Global Politics, opens in a new window
SOCF5108 - Therapeutic Contexts and Relationships, opens in a new window
SOCW1001 - Introduction to Social Work, opens in a new window
SOCW2003 - Counselling: Engagement, Assessment and Brief Intervention, opens in a new window
SOCW2008 - Culture, Identity and Diversity, opens in a new window
SOCW2100 - Aboriginal People and Social Work, opens in a new window
SOCW3009 - Ethics and Reflective Practice, opens in a new window
SOCW3012 - Social Work Practice Level 3 Placement A, opens in a new window
SOCW4003 - Advanced Social Work Practice Methods, opens in a new window
SOCW4011 - Evidence and Practice Based Research, opens in a new window
SOCW4012 - Social Work Practice in Mental Health and Trauma, opens in a new window
SOCW4015 - Honours Research Thesis, opens in a new window
SOCW7857 - Refugees and Forced Migration, opens in a new window
SRAP1000 - Policy and Society, opens in a new window
SRAP2001 - Qualitative Social Research, opens in a new window
SRAP3002 - Social Research and Policy Project, opens in a new window
SRAP5001 - Policy Analysis, opens in a new window
SRAP5021 - Policy, Advocacy and Activism in the Digital Age, opens in a new window
SRAP5101 - Research Methods and Project Design, opens in a new window
SRAP5103 - Research Report, opens in a new window
SRAP5106 - Academic Writing in the Social Sciences, opens in a new window
SRAP5107 - Research Project, opens in a new windowARTS1846 - Politics, Peace and Prosperity, opens in a new window
ARTS2754 - Development in Practice: Research for Social Change, opens in a new window
ARTS2815 - Politics and Security in the Indo-Pacific, opens in a new window
ARTS2819 - Globalisation and Governance, opens in a new window
ARTS2845 - Sex, Human Rights and Justice, opens in a new window
ARTS2870 - Citizens, Action and Dissent, opens in a new window
ARTS3756 - Current Debates in Development Studies, opens in a new window
ARTS3758 - Global Change Internship, opens in a new window
ARTS3810 - Politics & International Relations: Theory and Practice, opens in a new window
ARTS3874 - Culture and Human Rights, opens in a new window
ARTS3885 - Trauma and Violence, opens in a new window
COMD0506 - Special Program, opens in a new window
COMD5001 - International Development Policy, opens in a new window
COMD5004 - Climate Change Adaptation & Development, opens in a new window
CRIM1011 - Introduction to Criminal Justice, opens in a new window
CRIM2031 - Indigenous Perspective in Criminal Justice, opens in a new window
CRIM2034 - Crime, Politics and the Media, opens in a new window
CRIM2042 - Explaining Crime, opens in a new window
CRIM3000 - Criminology in Practice, opens in a new window
CRIM3019 - Restorative Justice, opens in a new window
CRIM3025 - Criminology Work Integrated Learning Placement, opens in a new window
HUMS2000 - Arts Internship, opens in a new window
POLS5100 - International Relations Internship, opens in a new window
POLS5121 - International Organisations and Global Politics, opens in a new window
POLS5125 - The Politics of International Law, opens in a new window
POLS5127 - China and Asia-Pacific Security, opens in a new window
POLS5131 - Insurgency, Terrorism and Political Violence, opens in a new window
SOCF5109 - Family Inclusive Practice, opens in a new window
SOCF5110 - Professional Practice Research Project, opens in a new window
SOCW4013 - Child and Family Welfare Practice, opens in a new window
SOCW7851 - Community Development, opens in a new window
SRAP5103 - Research Report, opens in a new window
SRAP5107 - Research Project, opens in a new windowARTS1753 - Culture, Experience and Change, opens in a new window
ARTS1811 - Contemporary Issues in Government and Global Politics, opens in a new window
ARTS2751 - International Development, opens in a new window
ARTS2813 - International Security, opens in a new window
ARTS2817 - Diplomacy and Statecraft: Past, Present, Futures, opens in a new window
ARTS2820 - Justice, opens in a new window
ARTS2871 - Power and Powerlessness, opens in a new window
ARTS2872 - Living and dying
ARTS2874 - Culture and Emotion, opens in a new window
ARTS3751 - Development Studies: Research, Practice and Ethics, opens in a new window
ARTS3755 - Development in Practice: Project Design, opens in a new window
ARTS3812 - Manias, Panics and Crashes: Global Political Economy in an Era of Crisis, opens in a new window
ARTS3814 - Australian Foreign Policy, opens in a new window
ARTS3821 - The Politics of Identity in the 21st Century, opens in a new window
ARTS3870 - Debates and Controversies in Sociology and Anthropology, opens in a new window
ARTS3872 - Media Publics, opens in a new window
CRIM1010 - Criminology: An Introduction, opens in a new window
CRIM2031 - Indigenous Perspective in Criminal Justice
CRIM2034 - Crime, Politics and the Media
CRIM2038 - Young People, Risk and Harm, opens in a new window
CRIM2041 - Crime and Punishment in Historical Perspective, opens in a new window
CRIM2042 - Explaining Crime, opens in a new window
SOCW1004 - Lifespan, Health and Resilience, opens in a new window
SOCW2006 - Social Work Practice - Community Work, opens in a new window
SOCW7852 - Politics of International Aid, opens in a new window
SOSS1001 - Social Research and Society
SOSS3002 - Social Research and Policy Project
SOSS3003 - Policy Analysis
SRAP5101 - Research Methods and Project Design, opens in a new window
SRAP5107 - Research Project, opens in a new window